Friday, November 5, 2010

three fathom analysis

So here is why I got irritated at the pub the other day. [click here to see what I'm talking about].

Apart from what I mentioned before (ie, you're a douche), the answer comes essentially down to something that might surprise people who only know me through this page. I am basically an egalitarian; that is, I am mostly of the opinion that people in general are equal. However like the pigs in Animal Farm, I am also of the opinion that some are more equal than others.

Before you say something along the lines of "Alphonse, Animal Farm was intended as a critique of communist Russia. The political struggle of the working class over the bourgeois and upper class has nothing to do with your encounter with this previously mentioned douche. Also, that statement was considered the fault of the pigs and so should not be taken as a personal motto of any kind," this is true and so I'll clarify. I am not strictly of the opinion that some are more equal, my views are closer to some can become less equal over time. This can be through a series of poor personal choices in most areas, but it can, such as in this case, be as a result of one very poor showing of your own personality. None of the players in this piece besides the daughter made a very good showing of themselves and thus they fall several equalnesses in my eyes.

Firstly the mother. What are you doing taking your daughter to the pub every afternoon; she's 9. Also, once you make this preliminary bad decision, why do you question how well things are going? I would have thought this was fairly obvious.

Nextly, the douche-man. The argument that you decided to make the afternoons discussion into shouldn't have been an argument. Your associate didn't want to argue, she made that clear early on in the piece. Instead, she wanted confirmation that she wasn't doing a bad job. She didn't want to have you telling her how wrong she obviously was and listing off reasons to that effect.
Also, you're a douche. I saw him a few days later at work again. As the band was playing, he was quite effusive in his strangely positive heckling. Happily singing along out of tune making it hard for the actual talent to not hate him. In the end, despite not actually doing anything wrong and simply because he was being annoying as a result of his imbibing of alcohol, he was asked to leave and escorted from the premises. Conclusion: You're a douche.

Finally, and semi relatedly, the girl. Despite the situation, the girl was happy. She was the bright candle that illuminated the flaws of the surrounds. My worry is that alcohol, being a liquid, will put the flame out. It may not be now, it may not be soon, but one day I worry that her light will be put out and she will end up taking her 9 year old daughter to the pub every afternoon in imitation of what she knows.

So that's the three fathom analysis of the behaviour that I saw and why it irritated me.
To explain why it's three fathoms (3.48m), that depth initially looks deep and the above may well (probably not however). However, fathoms measure depth of water for sailing and you can't sail a ship in that depth.

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