Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ok, firstly, there is a reason that I haven't posted anything recently - Yes, I have been busy with real life commitments like study and doing anything here would have been mostly for the purposes of procrastination. As I do enough of that already, I thought it would be a good idea to not take up half a day writing and re writing a page of something about something. So, my rhetorical question (which I will answer here myself) is How do we procrastinate and secondly, why do we procrastinate. {Editors note: check this one out for how to procrastinate properly. Alphonse has no real idea - he just bludges}

The first question is easy. Procrastination is possibly the easiest thing that we ever do. Procrastination is just not doing what it would be more beneficial or necessary for you to be doing at the particular moment in time that you are in. Whether it's watching a movie, reading a book, playing a game, going for a walk, having a nap, baking a cake. The list goes on almost forever.
This isn't to say that the activity that you are using to procrastinate is a bad thing, for example going for a walk is often a good thing; it gets your cardiopulmonary systems working, clears out your brain, stimulates the appetite, helps you sleep at night, provides you with fresh air, tops up your vitamin D reserves. But if you should be doing something else it isn't a good thing. The actual action isn't wrong, it's the motive or the justification that's wrong.

The second question is also easy (makes you wonder why it is that I even need to be writing this down). We Procrastinate, because we want to, or we don't want to be doing what we should.

Yep, that's actually all I have to say about that, but surprisingly, it's taken me well over two hours - I kept finding other things to do.

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